Масштабная модель лестницы

Масштабная модель лестницы (1:12) для макета. Лестница с разворотом на 180 градусов и с переменным углом наклона. размер модели 112x190x146мм

Состав: 3D Сборка

Софт: SolidWorks 19

stairs to the second floor/
stairs to the second floor/Сборка_доп_декор.SLDASM
stairs to the second floor/пятка_столбика.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/Сборка_столб_лестничный_без_декор.SLDASM
stairs to the second floor/ст_17.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/Сборка_лестница.SLDASM
stairs to the second floor/ст_10.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/Сборка_доп_декор_02.SLDASM
stairs to the second floor/закладная.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_07.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/столб_шар.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/Сборка_столб_лестничный.SLDASM
stairs to the second floor/перила_доп_02.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_05.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_00_2.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_верхние.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_04.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/пол.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/перила_низ.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/перила_столбик_декор.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/перила_столбик_декор_конус.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ladder.SLDASM
stairs to the second floor/Сборка_столбик.SLDASM
stairs to the second floor/перекрытие.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_13.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/перила_верх_2.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/перила_верх.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_02.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/столб_935.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_03.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_01.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/перила_верх_2_02.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_14.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_08.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/перила_радиус_20.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/Сборка_лестница_2.JPG
stairs to the second floor/перила_верх_02.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/резьб_заклёпка_М6_потай.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/перила_низ_02.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/Деталь_перила_02_02.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/перила_доп_01.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/столб_верх.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/перила_столбик_декор_шарик.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/перила_столбик.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ladder.IGS
stairs to the second floor/ст_12.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/Сборка_декор_надставка_на_столбик.SLDASM
stairs to the second floor/ст_00.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_06.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_16.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_09.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/Сборка_лестница_1.JPG
stairs to the second floor/столб_пятка.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_15.SLDPRT
stairs to the second floor/ст_11.SLDPRT
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Автор: Sergy_75
Дата: 2023-04-06
Просмотры: 32
Язык: Русский Язык документа
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